Tag Archives: Demographics

Three credit union marketing strategies to target new demographics

Three credit union marketing strategies to target new demographics

[ad_1] Every credit union wants to expand. Every credit union wants to capture new demographics. After all, targeting a new demographic group can open the door to impressive growth. But credit unions seem to struggle with exactly how to target these niches…and the numbers make that fact abundantly clear. According to PYMNTS.com, only 4% of credit union members are…

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Unpacking the Black Demographic Shift and Why Marketers Must Re-Examine Their Strategies

Unpacking the Black Demographic Shift and Why Marketers Must Re-Examine Their Strategies

[ad_1] Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Successfully navigating the ever-evolving world of marketing necessitates a strong understanding of consumer demographics. The ability to tailor your strategies to your audience is essential in driving engagement and fostering brand loyalty. Lately, emerging data on the Black population demographics have signaled significant shifts, bringing forth…

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