Tag Archives: Skills

Strong content marketing skills key to business success

[ad_1] BizTips from SCORE – Skill development for Content Marketers When I received my Bachelor of Science in Marketing in 1967, no one had ever heard of “content marketing.” Back then, there were the “4 P’s” of marketing. Now, marketing students learn about the “7 P’s” and the skills it takes to become an accomplished…

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The Godfather of AI Marketing Empowers Indian Employees to Perfect English Skills and Leads NewDeez to Global Domination

The Godfather of AI Marketing Empowers Indian Employees to Perfect English Skills and Leads NewDeez to Global Domination

[ad_1] In a masterstroke that solidifies his status as the top marketing professional for AI marketing, Zack Mozes, CEO of NewDeez continues to revolutionize the industry. As the “Godfather of AI Marketing,” Mozes has defied conventional norms and brought unprecedented success to his agency and clients alike. Beyond pioneering AI-generated content and strategies, Zack Mozes…

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