Tag Archives: Creator

Creator Built A Facebook Group Offering Money Saving Tips, She's Earned $220,000 Already This Year

Creator Built A Facebook Group Offering Money Saving Tips, She’s Earned $220,000 Already This Year

Social shopping, which refers to the process of purchasing items online through social media while interacting with others on the web, took off during the pandemic and the sector is expected to reach $3 trillion by 2029. Keesh Deesh has harnessed the phenomenon and profited greatly, bringing in $220,000 since January through affiliate marketing, according…

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How Creator Uses Facebook to Earn More Than $220K From Affiliate Links

How Creator Uses Facebook to Earn More Than $220K From Affiliate Links

Remember Facebook Groups? Keesh Deesh is building a business using one. Dollar Divas Group is a Facebook community with over 364,000 members. Deesh, who started the group in 2016, makes money using affiliate marketing. Couponing began as a hobby and money-saving passion for Keesh Deesh, who started a Facebook group in 2016 to share coupons…

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