Tag Archives: Americans

Post Pandemic, 41% Of Americans Are Embracing Hybrid Working

Post Pandemic, 41% Of Americans Are Embracing Hybrid Working

[ad_1] During the pandemic, US employers embraced the new––and necessary––normal of working from home. But in the past year, the situation has begun changing rapidly. Major employers like Disney and Amazon have been moving employees back into the office for a few days a week––while over at Twitter, last November Elon Musk scrapped its work…

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Americans are making a savings mistake, leaving money on the table

Americans are making a savings mistake, leaving money on the table

[ad_1] PHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiIHNyYz0iaHR0cHM6Ly9zdGF0aWMubXlmaW5hbmNlLmNvbS93aWRnZXQvbXlGaW5hbmNlX3ZpZXdwb3J0X2RldGVjdGlvbi5qcyIgLz48c2NyaXB0IGFzeW5jIHR5cGU9InRleHQvamF2YXNjcmlwdCI+bXlmaVdhdGNoV2lkZ2V0KCdteWZpV2lkZ2V0XzAnKTs8L3NjcmlwdD4=Lauren Williamson is the Financial and Home Services Editor for the Hearst E-Commerce team. She previously served as Senior Editor at Chicago magazine, where she led coverage of real estate and business, and before that reported on regulatory law and financial reform for a magazine geared toward in-house attorneys. You can reach her at…

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Spring reflections and older Americans month | News, Sports, Jobs

Spring reflections and older Americans month | News, Sports, Jobs

[ad_1] Since starting my work at Copper Country Senior Meals two years ago, I have come to better appreciate the aging process and the complexities involved in living independently at home. Through conversations and friendships that have developed, and as I watch my parents move into their 80s, I have a…

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Americans could be earning billions more in interest. Here’s how.

Americans could be earning billions more in interest. Here’s how.

[ad_1] Americans could be earning billions more in interest. Here’s how. Interest rates on savings accounts are rising — but online banks are offering the best rates of all. Updated: 9:05 AM PST Feb 24, 2023 Jean Folger is writer specializing in real estate and personal finance. She has written for Investopedia, The Motley Fool,…

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