Nine Tips for Adapting to Shifting Consumer and Cultural Interests – Rolling Stone

Nine Tips for Adapting to Shifting Consumer and Cultural Interests – Rolling Stone


Consumer and cultural interests have undergone significant shifts over the years, influencing businesses in various ways. Remaining agile and responsive to changing consumer and cultural interests is essential for businesses that want to succeed in today’s dynamic marketplace, as a failure to do so could result in missed opportunities and diminished customer trust.

Below, a panel of Rolling Stone Culture Council members share nine tips for how your business can stay on top of changing consumer and cultural interests and the impact they have on the overall business climate.

Build Loyalty by Building Thought Leadership

Innovation is key, but building solid relationships with your customers matters most — no matter how much technology advances in your industry. If your clients respect your experience and expertise, they will be confident you are adapting to a rapidly changing environment to serve them. Earn credibility by being a thought leader, and keep it by being a trusted resource they can consistently rely on. – Traci DeForge, Produce Your Podcast

Follow How Tools Are Being Used in a Different Way

Since innovation is at the core of what we do, we read, follow, engage and watch what the creators — your consumers — are doing. We see how they are using tools they have in a different way. Then, we measure that and are flexible by changing or adding products and services. – Susan Johnston, New Media Film Festival®

Match Your Efforts to Your Customer’s Journey

More than ever, consumers are interested in a brand’s social purpose regarding concrete issues in their community. Flexibility means adapting to those community needs by segmenting our efforts according to our customers’ own journeys. This can be achieved by collaborating with local brick-and-mortar businesses and working with non-governmental organizations. – Jacob Mathison, Mathison Projects Inc.

Be Willing to Reinvent Your Business

Legislative changes affected my medical cannabis program when marijuana was legalized. However, to stay afloat, I had to identify and address the needs that my potential clients coped with. I then reevaluated my services, products and programming and had to redevelop my program to support my clients’ needs. The key to sustainability is being able to reinvent your business to grow with the times. – Sonia Singh, Center of Inner Transformations

The Rolling Stone Culture Council is an invitation-only community for Influencers, Innovators and Creatives. Do I qualify?

Stay on Top of Changing Trends

When you’re a PR and marketing agency, it’s important to stay on top of the changing trends in the industry. What was important today might not be important tomorrow. Maybe one day people feel getting verification on social platforms is important, and the next they can pay $15 a month for it. Staying on top of which industries are booming — as well as what clients need most, right here and right now — is most important. – Christian Anderson (Trust’N), Lost Boy Entertainment LLC

Listen to What Your Consumers Are Telling You

Our relationship with our collective consumer community is much like an ongoing conversation that evolves over time. Staying tuned in and listening to what they’re telling us has kept us on our toes. It pushes us to evolve and stay relevant to their needs, all while staying true to who we are as a brand. Innovating to stay relevant is the silver lining of the difficulties that come with change. – Buck Wimberly, ULAH, LLC / ULAH Interiors + Design, LLC

Share Evolving Perspectives to Keep Your Business Fresh

Keeping up with change is what keeps your business fresh. Internally, teams benefit by staying in the know and are empowered to share evolving perspectives. We’ve highlighted clients’ work and shared stories about improving social issues, offering philanthropic services and inspiration, providing pertinent information on current topics and speaking to relevant problems that interest consumers. – Cynthia Johnson, Bell + Ivy


Innovate to Stay Competitive

As consumer tastes and interests evolve, businesses must be able to adapt products, services and marketing strategies to remain relevant. Businesses need to be flexible because not only do they need to keep up with changing customer preferences, but they also need to be innovative to be noticed by other companies. We’ve been competitive in the market by being flexible and adapting quickly. – Kristin Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

Act on Trends, But Remain Authentic

If you want to stay relevant, it’s best to know and act on what’s relevant in society. At the same time, be true to your values, as followers highly prize authenticity. – Mark Paulda, Mark Paulda & Co


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