Email Marketing Still Works—And It’s More Effective Than Ever

Email Marketing Still Works—And It's More Effective Than Ever


Mike Maynard is the CEO at Napier, a marketing agency for B2B technology firms that accelerates the customer journey for prospects.

Email marketing still matters—perhaps more than it ever has.

There. I said it. Even amid the maelstrom of digital marketing strategies, email marketing not only still matters, but some, like me, believe that—done properly—it is more effective than ever and an essential component of a successful marketing campaign strategy.

Why is it so effective? Because it’s highly targeted. It’s surgically precise. No other method can touch it in terms of hitting a bull’s-eye. Fashionable digital platforms can be effective, no doubt, but they’re often more shotgun than rifle.

Email marketing enables you to identify and sharply define demographics, behavior and interests with remarkable accuracy. The ability of email marketing techniques to zoom in so tightly ensures elevated click-through and response rates. It ensures not only that you target the right people, but also that you reach them.

Many B2B marketing agencies would like you to feel that they are all about the latest software marketing tools “that get results,” but they neglect to acknowledge that almost every business, large or small, fundamentally runs on email. Despite the obvious benefits of email marketing, a lot of people are either wary of being seen as “old-fashioned” or “uncool” by those of a certain generation, or they simply aren’t convinced that this tried-and-tested method is still viable. That’s not to say that other marketing tools don’t work, but too often younger marketers dismiss the tried-and-tested to try the next bright, shiny, trendy thing.

In other words, they want to sell you the hype.

Don’t buy it.

It’s also the case that some marketers fear stepping on a General Data Protection Regulation land mine, but there are ways to run legitimate interest campaigns that are incredibly effective at a very low cost. To circumvent GDPR, some corporate privacy policies are overly restrictive (e.g., they offer an “opt in only” option when they don’t have to). All that does is limit their options.

One argument against email marketing is linked to the perception that marketing emails tend to go straight into spam/junk folders. But not only is there a straightforward explanation for that view, but there’s also an equally straightforward resolution.

Yes, a percentage of marketing emails land in junk folders. But why? It’s usually because the target audience for that email was not carefully researched and qualified. Moreover, the quality of the email message itself is often poor. That combination lands straight in the trash.

You can resolve this problem by ensuring that you send the right email to the right person—with a well-structured style, compelling copy and a clear call to action. You do this by regularly reviewing and maintaining your mailing list.

Many marketers are still not data-driven. If they were, they’d look at the numbers generated by an email campaign and swiftly acknowledge that good email campaigns work.

But many will still tell their clients that email isn’t a very exciting or effective way to implement a good campaign. It’s “old-fashioned and boring.”

I’ve noticed that many older marketers tend to be arrogant and jaded, and they often don’t bother to gather and examine the data to find out that email marketing works much better than the new tools they’re spending buckets of time and money failing with. At my agency, we’ve found that email marketing has long demonstrated some of the highest and most consistent open and click-through rates among all marketing channels, and by any measure, it still does.

What many contemporary marketers—both those who are experienced and those who are new to the profession—fail to consider is that email marketing is highly directional. I’ve already talked about how targeted it is, but what I mean by directional is what makes it so targeted beyond its means of dissemination.

What makes it directional and, therefore, more effective is that it’s more personal. You are much more likely to open and click through an email that has your name in the salutation. It’s much more compelling than “hey you” or “click here.”

Once acknowledged and engaged with, even briefly, email has a much greater potential to establish a direct line of communication than a random—even if tailored—ad. Search engine algorithms throw up a raft of “sponsored” results that increasing numbers of people simply skim over. But an email is already in their inbox, with their name on it. There is a subtle feeling that the recipient was selected to receive that message and, therefore, there is more reason to open it.

And crucially, direct email is more trusted than digital ads on social platforms.

I shouldn’t have to remind anyone of this next point, but the fact that I’m writing this article suggests that it needs to be said. Email marketing is an exceptionally low-cost exercise that can deliver high-value results. I honestly don’t understand why people insist on making the comparisons so complicated. (Perhaps so they can sell more “sophisticated” digital marketing campaign tools.)

Don’t get me wrong, digital marketing tools have their place and can be successful. However, they don’t have to be implemented in isolation, solely because of a limited budget (even though they can save a lot of money, regardless of budget size).

Now, let me pause to say that email does have one main downside, but it was foisted upon it by another shiny new object that came along: HTML. In my opinion, HTML is the worst thing that ever happened to email marketing.

HTML handed over the keys to the candy store. Marketers promptly started spending a lot of time and money overdesigning everything—because they could. What they are now doing is highlighting the fact that the email is trying to sell something. What they get is usually “delete.”

Marketing is about relationship building. Emails, especially in B2B marketing, that are obviously a sales pitch are wasted by being sent to those who are not ready to buy.

Email marketing should be implemented not for cost-saving reasons, but because it is still the most effective campaign trail you can follow.

So giddyup.

Forbes Agency Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?


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