Author Archives: Simon Theakston

Native Advertising growing in importance as investments increase

Native Advertising growing in importance as investments increase

[ad_1] Native advertising has long been used as a  powerful brand marketing strategy. EMARKETER previously forecasted that US advertisers spent $97.46 billion on native display advertising  last year. Unlike traditional ads that often disrupt the user experience, native ads blend seamlessly with the content around them. This approach not only captures attention more effectively but…

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TikTok Investment Surge: Over half of current advertisers plan to increase their activity

TikTok Investment Surge: Over half of current advertisers plan to increase their activity

[ad_1] TikTok is more than just a platform for dance challenges and viral memes. It’s a powerful marketing tool that’s capturing the attention—and investment—of marketers worldwide. According to a recent HubSpot report, 56% of marketers using TikTok plan to increase their investment in the platform next year. This makes TikTok the leading platform in terms…

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Google shows 80% of Marketers now using AI

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the face of online marketing. From content creation to data analysis, AI tools are enhancing efficiency and driving better results for affiliate businesses. As we move through 2024, the adoption of AI in affiliate marketing is set to accelerate, bringing new opportunities and challenges for SME’s and Affiliates…

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GiG Media Rebrands to Gentoo: A New Era in iGaming Affiliate Marketing

GiG Media Rebrands to Gentoo: A New Era in iGaming Affiliate Marketing

[ad_1] Gaming Innovation Group’s (GiG) media division has recently announced a rebrand to Gentoo Media. This strategic move marks a pivotal moment in the company’s history, setting the stage for continued growth and enhanced market presence. The Significance of the Rebrand The rebranding of GiG Media to Gentoo Media is not just a change of…

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Data Privacy and Google Analytics: Navigating the Cookieless Future

Data Privacy and Google Analytics: Navigating the Cookieless Future

[ad_1] In today’s digital age, data privacy is more crucial than ever. With growing concerns about how personal information is used online, businesses need to adapt to new regulations and technologies. One of the most significant changes on the horizon is Google’s move towards a cookieless future. This shift will have a profound impact on…

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Celebrating Excellence in iGaming: Awards and Recognitions

Celebrating Excellence in iGaming: Awards and Recognitions

[ad_1] The iGaming industry is a fast-paced and competitive field. Success here isn’t just about innovative games or clever marketing. It’s also about gaining recognition for your hard work and dedication. Awards and accolades can boost a company’s reputation and build trust with customers and partners. Recently, several companies have achieved significant awards that highlight…

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Expanding Horizons: Strategic Partnerships in iGaming Marketing

Expanding Horizons: Strategic Partnerships in iGaming Marketing

[ad_1] The iGaming industry is continually evolving and seeking new avenues for growth and market penetration. In the past week, several significant partnerships and expansions have been announced, reflecting the dynamic nature of this sector. For online marketers promoting gaming products, understanding these developments can provide valuable insights into where to diversify and invest to…

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Building Brand Communities: A Game-Changer for Affiliate Marketing

Building Brand Communities: A Game-Changer for Affiliate Marketing

[ad_1] In the world of online marketing, building brand communities has emerged as a powerful strategy. This approach goes beyond traditional marketing techniques by creating a sense of belonging and engagement among consumers. For affiliate marketers, leveraging brand communities can be particularly effective, driving higher engagement and loyalty. Let’s explore how building brand communities can…

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Google Analytics, digital marketing

Google Analytics Update to Improve Paid Search Attribution

[ad_1] Recently, Google announced a significant update to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) aimed at improving paid search attribution. This update promises to refine how marketers track conversions, allocate ad budgets, and ultimately, understand their return on investment. Let’s dive into what this means for marketers and why it’s a game-changer. What is Paid Search Attribution?…

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influencers, tiktok, social media marketing

The Rising Importance of Social Proof in Affiliate Marketing

[ad_1] As the affiliate marketing channel continues to increase in size, one trend that has been gaining significant traction is the growing importance of “social proof.” Social proof refers to the psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to trust and follow the actions of others, especially those they perceive as similar to themselves or…

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The Rise of Short-Form Video Content: A High-ROI Trend for 2024

The Rise of Short-Form Video Content: A High-ROI Trend for 2024

[ad_1] In the world of digital marketing, staying ahead means embracing new trends and technologies. One trend that has firmly established itself and continues to grow is short-form video content. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are leading this charge, offering marketers a high return on investment (ROI) and an engaging way to…

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EBGA single market

Navigating the Changing Regulatory Landscape in European iGaming Marketing

[ad_1] The European iGaming industry is no stranger to regulatory shifts. These changes often dictate the strategies marketers need to adopt to stay compliant while effectively reaching their target audiences. Recently, two significant regulatory updates have emerged, promising to reshape the iGaming marketing landscape in Europe: the European Parliament’s approval of new anti-money laundering (AML)…

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Oracle's Exit from the Advertising Business: A Decade-Long Journey Comes to an End

Oracle’s Exit from the Advertising Business: A Decade-Long Journey Comes to an End

[ad_1] In a surprising yet somewhat anticipated move, Oracle Corporation has announced the closure of its advertising business. This decision, revealed during the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call for the fiscal year 2024, marks the end of a significant chapter in Oracle’s history. The tech giant’s foray into the advertising sector, which began with high hopes…

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