How to Increase Ecommerce Website Conversion Rate in 2023

How to Increase Ecommerce Website Conversion Rate in 2023


Conversion Rate

The online business landscape has seen tremendous growth in recent years. This growth has brought about an increase in ecommerce websites and digital marketing campaigns. As more ecommerce businesses spring up, the competition for visibility will increase, causing business owners to devise strategies to stand out. These strategies include search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, and more.

These marketing strategies drive traffic to ecommerce websites if done correctly, hoping to turn those leads into conversions. Conversions in this context are making a purchase from the website. Businesses need high conversion rates for their marketing campaigns to be successful. Making a significant portion of your leads buy your products can be challenging, so businesses tend to hire CRO agencies to make it happen.

However, the service fee for an agency may put a strain on a business’s budget. This is why hiring a conversion rate optimization expert might be best. An expert can produce the same result as a CRO agency and offer a more personalized working experience. CRO experts specialize in optimizing websites and marketing campaigns to attract the right audience and turn them into paying customers.

Tips to Increase Conversion Rate

Ecommerce business owners strive to improve the performance of their marketing campaigns, especially their conversion rate. Here are some tips they can implement to get better results:

Have a clear conversion goal

It is essential to define what conversion means for your business. Specify the action you want your website visitors to take. This can be filling out a contact form for your newsletter, buying a product, downloading a free ebook, or creating an account. Defining this goal will help you create a web design, layout, and content that drives visitors toward the goal. It also helps to use a clear call-to-action to guide potential customers to the next step in their purchase journey.

Optimize website performance

Websites that load slowly tend to have lower conversation rates than others. This is because people might lose patience waiting for your web pages to fully load and abandon their purchase. Online shoppers expect a smooth and seamless shopping experience on your website, or they will buy from your competitor.

You can improve a slow-loading website by compressing images, using a reliable website host, using simplistic designs, and optimizing it for mobile use. It helps to regularly test your website performance to make improvements when necessary.

Improve user experience

Ecommerce websites should always have a pleasant and intuitive design. The layout should be straightforward for easy navigation. All tabs must be responsive, and there should be a search bar for people to input keywords and find products they want. It is best to avoid clutter and unnecessary animations. The goal is to improve user experience, not create the fanciest website.

It would be best if you also streamlined processes where possible. For example, checkout processes should be as short as possible to avoid losing customers. Also, consider adding automated chatbots to your website so visitors can get help when in need.

Create compelling content

Website content can influence a potential customer’s decision. You invest in content creators that can produce high quality, engaging, and informative content on important topics for your target audience. The content tone should be persuasive but not overly salesy.

Your content should showcase how your products will improve their lives and invoke positive emotions in the reader. Pointing out the value of your products and their unique selling point will make website visitors buy from you instead of your competitors.

Use calls-to-action

Using calls-to-action strategically can improve your website conversion rate. Ensure they are persuasive and compelling to visitors. Try different font styles, sizes, colors, and placements to see what works best. Your CTA should stand out from the rest of the website’s text, and you can use them on buttons too. Some examples are “Order Now,” “Try it for free,” “Register Here,” and “Start your 7-day free trial”.

Calls-to-action should fit the context of the conversion you are promoting and be easily seen on any device used to view your website.

Leverage consumer reviews

Potential customers are drawn to businesses that other people recommend. You can leverage this by displaying positive customer reviews on your products and getting influencers and leaders in your industry to endorse what you are selling. Positive reviews are important because they can increase sales and boost your business’s reputation.

Actively solicit reviews from past customers by emailing them a few days after completing their order. Ecommerce websites with reviews appear credible and will convince visitors to make purchases.

Monitor ad campaign performance

Monitor important ad metrics like click-through rate, bounce rate, conversion rate, average time spent on the site, and so on. They all indicate whether the right people are seeing your ads. If your ads gain views without conversions, they might be served to the wrong audience. You should conduct market research to find your target audience and their issues, needs, and desires. Tailor your advertisements to appeal to this audience, and it will improve your conversion rate.

Get professional assistance

Conversion rate optimization requires expertise to pull off correctly, and many ecommerce business owners lack this experience. They can get professional help by hiring a CRO expert to review and improve their website’s conversion rate. Agencies offer a similar CRO service but are more suited to large businesses because of their relatively high service fees. CRO experts will implement the tips above and use their experience to troubleshoot the conversion rate problem.


Conversion rate optimization can significantly increase an ecommerce business’s bottom line. Low conversion rates are usually caused by improper marketing, bad website design, lengthy checkout processes, unsecure website domains, unrelatable content, and many more factors that a CRO expert can identify.

Ecommerce business owners can use the tips above to improve their conversion rate. However, a CRO agency or expert will optimize the website faster, allowing the business owner to focus on their core operations.


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