30 Affordable Home Products That’ll Basically Pay For Themselves After Their First Use

30 Affordable Home Products That’ll Basically Pay For Themselves After Their First Use

BuzzFeed Shopping editor Amanda Davis tells us why she’s a fan: “I’ve been using the blood orange scented bowl bombs for a couple of months now, and OMG they smell amazing! Like, right when I opened the package. After during a thorough cleaning of my bathroom I always pop of these babies in the toilet as a last step to clean and make the room smell a little better (I have a teeny tiny bathroom so this little guy does the trick). And in terms of cleaning the porcelain throne, they absolutely work. My toilet bowl always shines brighter after using one. It’s also helpful that the packaging is plain ole adorable and I don’t have to hide or store it anywhere!”

Viren Apothecary is a woman-owned business based in Wisconsin that sells eco-friendly cleaning essentials.

Promising reviews: “Literally can’t tell you how worth the wait these toilet bombs are! They smell absolutely incredible but not artificial, and they WORK. I have a new baby and two other kids, and my house is basically a biohazard because I’m short on time and energy. I just plop one of these puppies into the toilet, come back shortly and scrub, and they glisten. Even my husband, who has never voluntarily cleaned anything in his life, will clean toilets because the fizzers are fun. I was part of the BuzzFeed order rush, and so there were significant delays, but the communication was awesome and so friendly! Even though I had the long wait, it was absolutely worth it, and they have a customer for life. I’m so excited to try their other products!!” —Teresa Cambria

Get it from Viren Apothecary on Etsy for $9.50+ (available in blood orangeeucalyptus, or unscented).

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