4 Success strategies for mortgage originators to thrive in 2024

4 Success strategies for mortgage originators to thrive in 2024


Mortgage originators who seek success in 2024 need to move with confidence and adaptability. To reach strategic goals for the year ahead — and avoid being left behind — here are four strategies for originators to consider.

1. Identify potential market impact

The mortgage market is feast or famine, with origination volumes varying between high and low extremes. Mortgage originators chasing ambitious goals for the year must be vigilant in monitoring the factors that impact markets.

Originators learned this harsh lesson when the COVID-19 era brought historically low interest rates and record-high loan volumes, quickly followed by almost two years of spiking interest rates as inflation rose and volumes rapidly declined. Given the cyclical nature of the mortgage market, the industry seems to be moving beyond these challenges with a more normalized market in 2024.

If the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates as expected, the industry anticipates an uptick in transactions as buyers and sellers become more active. By incorporating this outlook into their strategic planning, mortgage originators may better anticipate changes, adapt their client service, and meet their goals.

2. Refuse to play the waiting game

Some originators chose the path of inaction in 2023, waiting for mortgage rates to drop, while others found success by adapting and exploring opportunities to take in new or different clients.

Regardless of the market’s unpredictable nature and the direction of mortgage rates in 2024, taking a passive approach will result in significant setbacks in origination volume. The upcoming year promises great potential for lower rates, whether through enhancing marketing strategies or offering differentiated product solutions and remaining on the sidelines is not a productive option.

3. Evolve offerings with market demand

Innovation in the mortgage market still exists. Many originators hope to take advantage of a potential refinancing wave that may come with rate cuts. But they can also open new channels for success by looking outside of traditional products. This year, originators should take a look at the needs of today’s prospective homebuyers and what’s trending in the market. Analyzing the details of market demand will help originators identify how they can better serve clients with unique financial backgrounds through niche products like non-QM loans.

4. Work with a trusted partner

A trusted partner can be an asset for mortgage originators navigating markets’ volatility. Deep-seated experience and robust industry relationships are often critical when business is tight, and getting something wrong could risk losing not just a client but a future referral. The right partner can strategically guide originators, whether through offering diversified loan opportunities or engaging in nuanced conversations with real estate agents and potential clients.

In pursuing their goals for 2024, mortgage originators must not be complacent. Only by analyzing and adapting to the changing mortgage landscape, and by proactively seeking partnerships and solutions, can originators successfully grow their business.

Tom Hutchens is the executive vice president of production for Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions.


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