The best way for beginners to earn money online while walking.($100/day+)

Best ways to earn money online



In today’s digital era, making money online has become increasingly popular, and for beginners who want to combine earning an income with physical activity, there is a unique opportunity: earning money while walking. This article will explore various methods that beginners can utilize to earn $100 or more per day through online ventures, including the option of cloud mining.

1-Cloud Mining:


Cloud mining has emerged as a lucrative option for individuals interested in cryptocurrency. It involves renting computing power from remote data centers to mine cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin. This method allows beginners to participate in mining without the need for expensive hardware or technical expertise. By connecting to a cloud mining service provider, you can earn passive income from mining operations while walking or going about your daily routine.

Among the many cloud mining websites available, IDMining stands out as one of the best.

IDMining is one of the first companies to provide cloud mining services. After years of development, they now have five mining farms around the world with members in more than 200 countries/regions, and we are trusted by over 490,000 users worldwide.

IDMining use renewable energy, such as solar and wind energy, to mine in the cloud, which greatly reduces the cost of mining and integrates the remaining electricity into the grid. This means you can get huge mining power without expensive hardware and without having to deal with noise and heat at home. All you need is your computer or mobile phone to sign a mining contract and get rewarded.



  • Sign up to get $5
  • Automated daily payouts
  • No overhead or electricity fees
  • An affiliate program with 3% lifetime rewards
  • Different crypto contracts to choose from
  • 24-hour online support
  • Eco-friendly mining


Contract Price

Contract Terms

Fixed Return


1 Day



3 Days



7 Days



15 Days



30 Days



40 Days


Minimum investment amount: $200

For additional information on IDMining, please visit their website at

2-Walking and Fitness Apps:

One popular way to earn money while walking is by using walking and fitness apps. These apps track your steps and reward you with virtual currency or real-world incentives. For example, some apps allow you to accumulate points that can be redeemed for gift cards, discounts, or even cash. By simply walking, you can earn rewards and improve your physical fitness simultaneously.

3-Affiliate Marketing through Social Media:

Social media platforms have transformed the way we connect and share information. For beginners, utilizing affiliate marketing on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok can be an excellent way to monetize your walking routine. By partnering with brands and promoting their products or services through your content, you can earn commissions for every sale generated through your unique affiliate links.

4-Online Surveys and Microtasks:

Engaging in online surveys and microtasks while walking can be an effective way to earn money. Numerous websites and apps offer paid surveys and small tasks that can be completed on the go. These tasks may include data entry, transcription, or providing feedback on products and services. Although the earnings per task may be modest, the cumulative effect of completing multiple tasks can quickly add up to $100 or more per day.


Earning money online while walking provides an excellent opportunity for beginners to combine income generation and physical activity.By utilizing the aforementioned methods, you can achieve the goal of earning $100 or more per day. Remember, consistency and dedication are key to success in any online venture. So, put on your walking shoes, start exploring these avenues, and take steps towards financial independence while enjoying the benefits of walking.


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