How to use Chat GPT to make money with ClickBank Affiliate Marketing using Free Traffic.

How to use Chat GPT to make money with ClickBank Affiliate Marketing using Free Traffic.

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In today’s video, I will show you how to make money with ClickBank by using ChatGPT and, most importantly, leveraging a free traffic source. Just in case you are not familiar with it, ClickBank is a platform that allows you to promote other people’s products and earn a commission for every sale that you make. If you need to know more about ChatGPT, I suggest you watch any of my videos that will appear on the screen to have a better understanding. So, without further ado, let’s get started with today’s video. In just five steps, we’ll get this done.

The first step in making money on ClickBank is to choose a profitable niche – this is the topic or market that people are interested in and willing to spend money on. Some examples of profitable niches include health and wellness, personal development, and home and garden. To set up an account, simply go to the ClickBank website and click on the sign-up button. From there, you’ll be prompted to enter your personal and payment information. Once your account is set up, you can start browsing through the ClickBank marketplace to find products to promote.

Now that you’ve chosen your niche, look for a product with high gravity score. If they are popular and have a proven track record of sales, this is a good sign. Most importantly, go with recurring products. In this case, I’ll go for Revive Daily, which is a very good dietary supplement to promote at this time. So, to promote this, all you have to do is click here, input your nickname and tracking ID, and click here to generate your affiliate link. If you want to check the affiliate page, once you click here, it takes you to a new page where you can learn more about it and select another landing page.

The next step is to create a ChatGPT account. As of the time of making this video, ChatGPT is absolutely free. But you know what, guys? I doubt if this is going to be free for life, so you should use it while it lasts. Once you sign up, it brings you to this page. This strategy I’m about to show you is mind-blowing. You can make as much as 2,000 US dollars every month. For every conversion we make, for every sale, we get about 151 dollars. So imagine you make like 10 sales every month, which I know is possible, this is just on average. The good part about the strategy is you get to do the hard work just once and earn even while you’re sleeping. To be successful with this strategy, you need to have a good understanding of the products you want to promote.

Haven’t gone through the Revive Daily sales page, which is about a deep sleep formula that can help people lose weight. We can use ChatGPT to create a professional sales copy. So, this is my request, and I’m very precise on how the AI should write it. Now, you have a professionally written sales copy and a product to promote. It is time to start driving traffic to your affiliate links. One of the best ways to do this for free is by leveraging YouTube.

To start using YouTube to drive traffic, you need to create a YouTube account and start creating videos related to the product you’re promoting. It is also important to provide value in your video, and that is precisely what we just did here. So now we are going to make a video out of this script. But first, you need to either voice the script or use a text-to-speech software. There are both paid and free options, but for starters, you can use the free one. Go to, a free software, and copy and paste your content there.

Once you have your audio file ready, the next step is to create a video. We’ll be using for this. Most people don’t know that you can make a decent video clip on Canva. Type “YouTube video” in the search bar to give you the template and help you with the right dimension. We can choose from these templates, but I choose a blank space. I’ll drag and drop my video footage and upload my audio file. Once that’s done, I’ll download the video. Now, we have our video and our product, so the next step is to go to YouTube and upload our video there.

This is everything you need to know. Click “next” and “publish” and you are going live. One other way you can make more money with this is by using the script that ChatGPT generated for us and paste it across multiple platforms, such as Signing up for this platform is free, and you can publish all your articles for free.

Once your account is set up, you can start browsing through the ClickBank markets to find products to promote. Now that you’ve chosen your niche, look for a product with high gravity, a minimum of Android score is fine. If they are popular and have a proven track record of sales, most importantly, go with recurring products. In this case, I’ll go for Revive Daily.

This is a very good dietary supplement to promote at this time. So, to promote this, all you have to do is click here, input your nickname and tracking ID, and click here to generate your affiliate link. If you want to check the affiliate page, once you click here, it takes you to a new page where you can learn more about it and select another landing page.

The next step is to create a ChatGPT account. At the time of making this video, ChatGPT is absolutely free, but you know what, guys? I doubt if this is going to be free for life. Once you sign up, it brings you up to this page. This strategy I’m about to show you is mind-blowing. You can make up to 2,000 US dollars every month.

For every conversion we make, for every sale we get about 151 dollars. Imagine you make like 10 sales every month, which I know you could actually make more. This is just on average. The good part about the strategy is you get to do the hard work just once and earn even while you’re sleeping. To be successful with this strategy, you need to have a good understanding of the products you want to promote.

So now that we have an idea of what the supplement is all about, ChatGPT will help us create a professional sales copy. This is my request, and I’m very precise on how the AI should write it. Now, you have a professionally written sales copy and a product to promote. It is time to start driving traffic to your affiliate links. One of the best ways to do it for free is by leveraging YouTube.

To start using YouTube to drive traffic, you need to create a YouTube account and start creating videos related to the product you’re promoting. It is also important to provide value in your video, and that’s what we just did here. You need to voice-describe or use text-to-speech software. There are both paid and free options, but for starters, you can use the free option like TTS.

Next, we’re going to use Canva to create a decent video clip. We’ll type in “YouTube video” in the search bar to give us the template and help us with the right dimension. We’ll upload the audio file and work with it, drag, and align the video footage and upload it on YouTube.

We will paste our affiliate link in the description box, shorten the link using, and use Canva again for the YouTube thumbnail. We’ll select a template and customize it if needed. Lastly, we can publish our articles on platforms such as to make more money using the script ChatGPT generated for us.

To Your SUCCESS!!!

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